International Certification in Sports Management

The Academy’s ICSM Program provides students with the latest advances in the field of sport and presents theoretical and practical approaches to gaining the skills critical for success in the industry. Sport management is a broad and diverse field that requires competence in a variety of business and management skills. This program helps students develop their business acumen, administrative proficiency, and leadership abilities with specialized focus on sport management.

This program is composed of six educational courses and provides a comprehensive overview of the essential facets of sport management and administration. Specifically, it affords students opportunities to gain knowledge and skills in sport-related areas such as administration, program development, personnel management, international sport business, marketing, event planning, and facility/security management.

Program Courses

CEM 543 Sports Administration
Those who manage an organization are continually confronted with the need for information and expertise to help them make difficult choices. This course surveys and prepares the prospective sport administrator for the full range of potential responsibilities in the field. It teaches the primary management duties and provides a strong background for the necessities of program development. Overall, this course is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to administration, organization, and management principles and their applications in the broad sport setting.

CEM 542 Sports Business and Personnel Management
This course examines the relationship of sport, business, and personnel management. The central focus of the course revolves around the functions and responsibilities of a sports business professional, also referred to as a sport manager. The course is designed to help students develop the necessary skills to become an effective sport manager. The course covers the sport manager’s role in planning, organizing, and leading within a sports organization and also takes into consideration critical aspects of human resource management.

CEM 544 Sports Marketing
This course covers the basics of sport marketing and provides foundational knowledge of the competitive world of sport. Just as athletes compete on the playing field, sport marketing professionals compete in the marketplace. The approach of those working in sport marketing has changed over the past decade with the advent of digital media. Today, a sport marketer must have an understanding of how to connect with consumers over social media platforms; targeted web and streaming content ads; and through email. Despite these changes, some elements of sport marketing, such as the need to understand the sport consumer and the sport product is rapidly evolving. This course will touch on the fundamentals, research methods, and new developments in the field of sport marketing.

CEM 547 International Sport Management
International sport management is an emerging field of study that focuses on the organization, governance, business activities, and cross-cultural context of sport. Sport itself has become a prominent vehicle of the international exchange process, especially as many current managerial decisions are influenced by global events. This course aims to provide a global context to principles such as politics, culture, economics, ethics, monetary policies, and foreign competition. This course also examines the role and impact of sport in various regions of the world. Overall, this course is designed to develop globally competent sport managers to function effectively and appropriately in a multicultural work or event environment.

CEM 585 Sports Facilities and Security Management
Sport facility management represents one of the fastest growth areas in the sport industry. There is a significant need for properly trained sport managers with strong skills in developing, managing, and maintaining sport facilities. This course focuses on the principles, guidelines, and recommendations for planning, constructing, using, and maintaining sports facilities. In addition, this course examines the concepts, principles, and methods of organizing and administering security management within the sport profession. A primary emphasis is on protection of assets, personnel, and facilities. Overall, this course provides an understanding and appreciation for the planning and management of sport facilities, while covering the application of basic principles of security management within sport settings.

CEM 448 Sports Event Planning
Sport events have grown to encompass much of our free time. Because of this growth, event management is one of the most sought-after skills in the sport industry. Most of us who attend an event do so as an invitee, not fully understanding the vastness of what it takes to host an event. This course provides a comprehensive look at what it takes to produce a successful event from conception to fruition to evaluation. In addition, this course covers the administration, promotion, and marketing of events while applying these concepts to the unique aspect of sports. This course provides a fresh perspective on event management. Upon completion of this course, students will understand the competencies necessary for managing and operating sport events through theory and application.